

Today we finished the production of our Hangover Introduction remake. Everything is now done besides the editing. It went pretty well, a few slip ups here and there. But, we managed to get through it.

Our main objective for today was to finish the rest of the shooting and record the audio for the overdubbing that was needed,  and some of the background ambiance that we are going to put in during post-production.

So the shooting that we needed to do was all of the people shots, as the footage on the dad shot that we had already shot had some funny lines on it, that even a technician who came into help with editing didn't know anything about. So we did all the shots of the people. The set-up we used was just the basic, with a camera and a neon head tripod for the smooth movements we were looking for. This shot was of the bride, Nicole, who did a very good job at the cheesy american accent.

We had the laptop handy throughout the entire shoot to check up on the shots of the original. Along with a paper copy of the shots and a script. The usual.

We got my parents to come along again and play the dad and a bridesmaid, we asked them to keep their costume the same, even though it didn't matter as we re-shot the old shots of them. We didn't want any continuity errors! Unfortunately we couldn't find the magazine that the dad was reading, but Jake didn't have many bikini magazines lying around.

We also did all the outside shots that were of the wedding. This was only a shot of people taking flowers out of a van, and people laying out chairs, but still needs to be in there. We borrowed a van from Bill's Dad, who seems to be a dealer of vehicles for AS Media work now or something. And we just got loads of different chairs from around Jake's house and arranged them to look wedding-y.

We also did the sound recording that we needed, which somehow ended up as Jake making random noises down the microphone to sound like background animals, and also almost ended up making my bladder empty. We overdubbed Phil's side of the conversation, because the sound was muffled by wind buzz, and also every 10 seconds there was the sound of a lorry passing by. It turned out to be a lot easier than I expected and was over in under half an hour. All we had left to do was to edit everything together.


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