
The Coursework Is Here...

Yeh, that time has come. But on the other hand it is Media coursework, so if anything it's enjoyable. Yeeeeeeehaaa. Ever since I started this course I knew what coursework would be involved, so I began thinking about a story for the movie intro that I would eventually make. Ideas went through my mind, I had a few ideas in mind that I waited to have my full judgement on after my first experience on a movie set, and an experience about how to work with other people on set.

Most of the ideas I had were just wiped out by what would be possible as a student. I have a few left, but I'll see what the deadline is for the task.

The main things I've been playing around with are trying to get the right look of the overall visuals of the shots. I've been watching Zack Snyder's The Watchmen recently and I really like the way his shots have a high contrast & sharpness, and most of the shots have very low saturation.

The high sharpness and moody saturation really gives an overall emotion of depression and sadness of the entire film. I'm going to experiment with a few different effects and document them on das Blog.

I also wanted to use some really smooth camera movements, like we used in the Hangover project, but a lot more slower. Some form of dolly system that doesn't have have rails, as I wanted to use it to zoom in on a character to produce tension and curiosity, and if the rails are placed in front in the same direction as camera angle, then they'll be in shot. So something that can hold a camera at around sitting height and doesn't show it's railings in shots.

I'm going to go ahead with some, experimentation...

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