
Cake & Hangover

On Sunday, 9th October we were planning to shoot all of the other shots that we needed to get for the rest of the Hangover Project. In didn't really go to plan, people had broken noses, were grounded or were just stuck at work. Very frustrating for when we had everything planned out and we couldn't do anything because of these reasons. Still we did what we could, and got shots of my parents (The bride's father and one of the brides). Shots of the cake, and the shot of the bride's dress. Here are some of the shots.

 This is our recreation of the living room for the shot. We used Jake's house because it was the biggest and stuff could be moved around easily to recreate the shot, however we had to change some of the object placements to fit the shots that were needed into the room. I found the setting up bit pretty easy, with a little brainstorming between us we managed to get everything together pretty easily. It didn't match perfectly but we got there.

 To get the smooth shots of the cake, dress and flowers, we had a fortunate and awesome technique that we used, much like the professional dolly cart, Jake made a skateboard and a load of wooden planks into a steady car which could be used to slowly move the camera in a direction that was needed. This was really cool. It gave a very sleek shot that mimicked the pros, Jake made the dolly when he was 12 and said that he had never used it properly.

Until now.

 The dolly made the shots we got from Jake's Step-dad's Canon 5D perfect, it really recreated the effects that the original shot has.

 This is us in awe of how awesome the dolly really was. Also, we tested the shots on our tea.

 These people are my parents. My dad was playing the brides dad, although we haven't really had a chance to direct our actors properly, unless cake counts as an actor. When we next shoot I think that we'll be able to get an idea of what it's like to direct actors to get the shots we need.

 Yet another beautiful shot of the amazing dolly-rack-cart thing.

This was the cake that we had specially brought in by our caterer. Unfortunately because of Evie's work commitments, it was dark by the time we got the cake and had set up. We were very impressed with the cake. Although it wasn't an exact replica of the original, I think it still captures the fact that it is for a wedding pretty well. I was most disappointed on finding that the flower wasn't edible.

It was an awesome cake. We enjoyed eating it very much, we will also be making a short behind the scenes video, in which we will eat the cake. It was delicious.

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