
The Hangover

We've been set a task in preparation of one of our pieces of work, which will be to create the first two minutes of a film. Our preparation task is to recreate the first two minutes of 'The Hangover'. There was a group of six of us, we got straight to business and focused on what was in the opening shots, what the main things would be to overcome; the opening shots show a wedding which required a lot of chairs, wedding dresses and a tasty looking cake.

Another shot showed a sports car, but luckily on of the members' dad had a sports car which we were allowed to use. What a kind gentleman. We agreed that all of us would try out at different things in the production, but each of us would have smaller roles assigned to us.

Today we shot Phil's side of the phone call, which we did afterschool, 5 of us met up, with some extras alongside, and walked to our location. We had to settle with a baron looking field instead of a Nevada desert. We have got some behind the scenes shots, which I'll put on a reflection blog after we have finished the project. The shoot today went well, we got the shots we needed, unfortunately we had to change the location slightly, as we were close to tuttles lane, althought we can always overdub the shots if the background noise is bad, but on first review it seemed okay. We're going to shoot most of the other shots on Sunday, with Jake doing some other small shots with his family members.

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