
Editing The Hangover

So this was our first try at editing something on this strange new piece of software called 'Adobe Premiere Pro'. I've been using Sony Vegas 9 for a couple years every now and then, so I found switching to Premiere quite easy. I found the new software absolutely amazing. It catered for all the needs in our post production, and I look forward to using it in the future. We were able to set edit the audio and video in the way we needed, and it also covered the little things we needed to do, like putting effects on the audio and color correction.

The use of it can vary from the really basic, with just creating a title and editing shots, but we wanted to get the best edit of our shots and used Premiere to the fullest extent. We were able to have as many video and audio tracks as we wanted, so we put either; opposite shots on alternating tracks or, with Phil and Tracy's phone conversation, we used alternating tracks for each of the characters. The audio for some of the tracks was a real hazard for us novices, sometimes the audio of another shot would overlay the video of another shot in the original hangover cut. We had to move around this and find a way to easily do this. It turned to be quite simple, but it just took a bit of brain work. Which we were lacking on a Monday morning. All we had to do on these was get the shots lined up, unlink each of them, remove the audio on the previous and extend the audio on the second shot. And the opposite for the video. This occurred a few times, but after the first time we had it laid out.

The audio effects were pretty easy, to get the sound of a mobile signal and phone we used a high pass filter and the volume control. Basics. We used color correction on the Phil shots, which was also pretty easy, after a technician had shown us a useful tri-wheel color correction effect, we were pretty confident on the look we wanted and saved it as a preset, then all we had to do on the other shots was to drag and drop the preset and BOOM! it was done.

The music was easy, all it needed was to be dragged into it's own audio track, then volume key points were logged in, and BOOM! another one bites the dust. The titles and credits were on Bill's part and were also pretty easy, just a quick Photoshop job on the font, dragged and dropped into the project on our computer, then placed on the shot at the right time, with the right additive dissolve added and BOOM-BANG-A-RANG another one's gone. The title of the hangover wasn't quite what we wanted, but it still showed that we had tried to copy the title's and got the effect that displays them done pretty well. It still matched up with the original well, even if it did look a bit cheesy.


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