

For the location of the interview scenes, I wanted somewhere that seemed very cramp, unwelcoming and artificial. I also wanted somewhere that was authentic, both me and Jake Brownbill wanted to use somewhere like this, and seeing as we were both actors in each others' productions, it made sense that we should have just one session between us that we could both get our shots.

We got in contact with Norfolk Constabulary by first asking at the reception of the Wymondham Police Station, I gave them my details and a couple days later I got an email from the Communications Officer of Norfolk Constabulary. I called him up and he took down some basic information of who I was and why wanted to use the interview rooms. They also called up my Media teacher to confirm that I was a Media Studies student. The Communication Officer was very helpful, he sent along with some other emails a link for a short film which basically showed off the facilities they have at the police station for interviewing suspects.

This is the video here;

Around 3 minutes in, there is a short 10 second clip of the interview rooms that they have at the station. Although this does not give a great view of the room, it did immediately put me off using it as it has virtually no room to one side and behind either side of the desk. This would mean that if I wanted to use this room, I would have to completely change the shot list and therefore the interpretation of Jason. I talked with Jake and he also had the same views. We then tried to think of any other place that we could use for the location. Even though we won't end up using the official police interview room, the Communication Officer did say that we would have to wait for around a week for the Chief Inspector to come back from a trip, and until then he couldn't get any idea of whether we could use the facilities.

Both me and Jake asked our Media teacher if he had any idea of somewhere where we could use that would be suitable under being bland, artificial and still have enough room for a tripod and camera. He suggested the school's conference room, which is quite small, but if paintings and photos are removed from the walls, would provide that artificial and bland look. We have booked the use of the room for a couple hours tomorrow, and if it is too short a time for both us to shoot, we can still book it for another day in the next week.

For another location I have to shoot in, it would be a wood/forest in the near area. I've got an actor lined up who is going to play Jason's latest victim; 'Geoffrey'. The shots I wanted to get would show to the audience what Jason is capable of, without showing him doing it, which will help to provide the fear in the audience. The forest will help to provide a feeling that the character has had to run miles on end to try and get away from Jason. What I plan on doing is going to a few forests so that I can choose the best one what suits the rest of the shots, and also it can't be any harm to have the same shots in different locations.

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