What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I would prefer Four Walls to be made independently because I wouldn't think it would practical to have a massive crew with only two actors, so I think just the bare minimum of crew would be best suited when making this film. I started looking through independent movies that have had funding from relatively large distribution companies, I looked at films that didn't get a massive distribution and marketing campaigns, like Monsters, which did get shown in some bigger brand cinemas, but was mostly shown in cinemas showing independent and international films. Monsters is a feature film which focuses on the travels of two characters, this is much like the confined character range of Four Walls but has a big scale in the locations of their travels.
The distribution company of Monsters was Momentum Pictures Home Entertainment, for the UK DVD & Blu-ray distribution. The film didn't get any major theatrical release in the UK, but did get a DVD & Blu-ray release. I think that this film would a be a good place if the film was popular enough to get to DVD, but as merely a small theatrical release I don't think there would be much chance in it.
Lionsgate release many horror, crime and mystery films every year and pick up mostly small scale films that are popular in the aficionado audiences but also breaching into bigger audiences. A few Lionsgate films have become much bigger grossing films when getting a major release into big brand cinemas, such as The Hunger Games, Saw and Transporter 3. Lionsgate release many independent films to bigger audiences every year, and pick up films that have been made and finished, then release them to much bigger audiences than would be possible on small budgets.
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