
And God said; "Let there be editing!"

Started editing a couple weeks ago after sorting through all the preposterously long shots that I took, and I started to realise that it is a fudge-load easier if you have a specific idea of what you want the film to look like and how the shots unravel. I went into shooting with a set shot-list of what shots I wanted and added a few more shots while I was there.

Sorting through the shots was tedious, to say the least. But after it was all done I could finally start on some proper editing. I think that the sorting would have been easier if I had done every shot within one take instead of resetting the shot and continuously recording. Although after all the sortingness it was easy to find a shot that wasn't an outtake and put it straight into the project.

Another problem I encountered was the computer not being able to cope with the copious amounts of resolution that I shot in. It seems that 2GB of RAM is nowhere close to enough to needed to edit 1080p footage on Premiere Pro or After Effects. I've now learnt that it's better to shoot in something like 720p when having limited computer power.

Getting to the state of a rough edit took a long time, but I'm almost there just a few more snips of footage and I'll have a rough cut to get some feedback on from ma homies. The rough cut will be a close match to what I want the final to look like, but if people suggest something that could be better or just say that it doesn't work, then I'll change it.

The other things to add in after that are the over-dubbing as some of the audio isn't of great quality, but once that is done I hope to have a finished movie-intro.

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