
12 Angry Dudes

So I thought to myself, 'what if Four Walls was made into a film?' How would the story fold out, and how well would it work with it just being about 2 people in a room. So I started to go into more detail in watching 12 Angry Men. I started to pick out things that make it a story that works so well with it only being about 12 men in a room.

Throughout most action films, there are three main actions scenes, becoming more and more 'intense' as the film plays out. In 12 Angry Men, there are three main scenes that, throughout the film, become more and more intense as the amount of Jurors turn towards making the defendant 'not guilty'. I think that that is the best way to go through Four Walls, with the points on what Jason has done and revealing more about his character throughout the film.

The three points I've decided would be;
  • Revealing how and why he killed Geoffrey
  • That Jason knows about another killer that the police are still looking for
  • Jason escapes from the room and the detective is left alone to chase Jason back to the forest in which Jason killed Geoffrey.
I think that these points would give a gripping story that would keep the audience interested as it has a very simple plot but the characters seem very contrasting. This story is similar to 12 Angry Men as the storyline goes from one extreme to the other. Jason being captured to being free and it is left to the audience's imagination on what he is going to do to the detective and how the detective deals with the situation.

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