
Movie Titling

We've been having training from an After Effects specialist for a few lessons now, and we're gradually getting towards a final movie ident that we're going to use in our final coursework. I've gone through a few different ideas and I've come up with a look of the font;

I think that the title is pretty cool, that's the only thing I can really say about it, as most indy film company names don't really have any kind of joke or relation to anything, they're just there. The only thing that I can say about how [Curiousity] relates to the style that it's in is that there is no reason why it is a bit distorted by the fibre filter and why the square brackets are around, which to be honest I don't know why they are there.

This was one of my first ideas that I had, but it seemed a bit weird and too childish, so I came up with another idea and let it blend into something that I thought would be a good name;

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