
Camera Angles, Movement & Shots

Camera Angles
Different camera angles can evoke different views in the audience. There are two different extremes of angles; high and low.

High Angle- The camera high up looking down on something which creates a vulnerable or weak sense towards the subject. At increasingly high angles the subject loses it's sense of height which makes it look even smaller.

Low Angle- The camera looking high up at something, making the subject seem a lot bigger than it really is, it can also make the subject look as if it is the same height as a background object.

Camera Movements
Pan - Pivot at a horizontal angle. Normally used to set the scene or reveal something.
Tilt - Panning, but at a vertical angle.
Track - Camera following a subject, normally on a dolly tracking system.

Camera Shots

 Extreme Wide Shot - Establishing shot.

Very Wide Shot - Object is still not fully visible, but takes the focus of the frame.

Wide Shot - Subject takes up full focus of the frame.

Mid Shot - Bottom of the frame is just above the waist, leaving a small gap above the head to the top of the frame.

Close Up - Normally focusing on the face, allowing a small gap below the chin, and just cutting off the top of the head.

Extreme Close Up - Focus on one object or part of the face.

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