
From Geoffrey himself...

So I wondered if I was actually any use at all on set as a director. So I asked Andrew Heard, who plays Geoffrey in Four Walls, if he could give me his opinion on what I was like on set and what he found it like working with me. This is what he had to say;

"Working on set with Ben was really straight forward; he knew exactly what shot he needed from all the angles before we'd started and had obviously planned in advance. He told me exactly what to do, even for a very small part, which I'd perceived as insignificant, and there was very little question as what was needed to be done. He'd planned the shots, some in and out of focus for effect, he'd planned the style of how the character ran and told me the emotions the character was feeling, even if I couldn't perform them to his standard. Overall it was a very informative experience, with the man that is Ben, and a great insight into his project and the amount of effort which is put in, not only by Ben, but obviously anyone in that business. It wouldn't have been as easy without his planning."

Well, I was rather flustered when I read what Andy had to say. I didn't think that I planned it that much, in fact I thought the project wasn't planned as much as it could have been. I thank Andy for his work, and for his small, but great performance in the production.

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