
Four Walls II

I've finally got a pretty much finished logo of the movie;

It's only a first draft, but pretty much close to the final logo that I'd like to have, it needs a little more tinkering to get rid of the mechanical movements, but besides that I really like the blur effects I've added in, which was made by having three separate video layers and applying a fast blur on all of them in After Effects. One layer with a horizontal and another with a vertical to get the box blurring together, then another layer with an overall blur to get a fading in blur on it.

The font was blurred in and set to come together as it gets closer to the centre, the movement is still a little jerky, which I'll change to become more smooth.

Really happy with this draft, got everything how I wanted it, now moving onto the actual film...

I've started to write a bit of the script for it, not really in detail but I'm getting a set piece for the dialogue in the opening. Here it is so far...

INT. Interrogation Room - EVENING
Artificial lighting shines down to the centre of the room. A man, JASON WARD is sitting covered by the pale light. On the other side of the DESK a detective, JONATHAN SPENCER, is sitting cross legged, with his pen held in his hand. A COFFEE sits steaming on the desk just in front of SPENCER.
JASON has half of his face spattered with blood and his entire chest and leg also spattered with blood. This is never suddenly revealed until the ending of this sequence.
It was around a, month ago. I met this man. In a bar. We, got talking on about his life. Mostly his, bad times. It was pretty obvious he had had a really bad day. He had been drinking for most of the two hours. Constantly. He ordered a new drink, every time he finished one. He finally said after these, two hours that he should probably go home. He left with a bit of a stumble, didn't really annoy anyone else. Most people had left. He got in his car. A 96' fiesta. Navy blue. He turned the key.
JASON moves his jaw to make a liquid clicking sound.

This is just a little bit that I've put together, not much but it's early days...

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