
The Fargo DVD Cover

The cover of a DVD seemed to be something normal to me, but then Media Studies happened. We recently looked at the cover of The Coen Brothers' film; Fargo.

So yeah, we looked at in depth, and in my view; it's better to judge a DVD by it's cover than a book. The way everything is laid out for a start can tell you roughly what genre it is; the way that the focus of the shot is on is on the two characters on the right of the shot, and appear quite small compared to the rest of the surroundings shows that it may be mystery/crime related. The colour of the title, near to blood red, shows that death or murder might be involved, or the word Fargo is something important to the story.

The font on the cover shows that it is a thriller. Just to make sure the reader of the cover knows what genre it is. The two characters in shot will most likely be important characters to the story, if the reader doesn't recognise that the woman is Frances McDormand. The tag line beside the characters states; 

A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere

This shows that it is likely to be set somewhere where not much happens, which is a classic feature of a horror or thriller film. Both of the characters are police officers, which might mean that it will be a big film in the setting, in that it will be the main focus of the story or have something building up to it.

So far we've watched half of Fargo, and so far I have quite enjoyed it. It hasn't really been classifiable under one genre yet, but it has mainly been a drama with a bit of comedy thrown in. It is definitely building up to some major plot change, and so far we haven't seen anything to do with the cover, but it is possible that it will lead up to something to the jist of that.

Really looking forward to finding out what happens in the end.

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